The New Year’s Day in Ukraine
Практична: Ввести та активізувати ЛО теми «Новий рік в Україні», удосконалювати техніку читання, формувати навички монологічного мовлення за темою на рівні речення (мікровисло-влювання) з опорою на наочний зразок; Освітня: формувати уявлення про структуру розповідних речень в англійській мові; Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку, уяву учнів в умовах гри; Виховна: виховувати повагу до традицій народу України Обладнання: підручник, новорічна експозиція, "Match the Pairs" (HO1), "Put the Events in Order" (H02), “My good intentions” (HO3), зразки новорічних листівок на англійській мові (HO4). THE PROCEDURE Ι. Introduction. Greeting. T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you today. Ch.: Good morning! We are glad to see you too. - How are you, children? - Super! And how are you? - I am super too. Introduction to the topic. T: The topic of our today’s lesson is “The New Year’s Day in Ukraine”. By the end of the lesson you will be able: • to recognize and understand new words on the topic "The New Year's Day in Ukraine • to read the text and understand its gist and details despite the natural difficulties, exchange information on the basis of the text for reading and of a given situation. • to write greeting cards. II. Warming up 1) Pronunciation drill. A New Year Greeting A New Year Greeting I want to give you lots of love Warm and most sincere: And want to say right here: To wish you every happiness Have a happy New Year’s Day Throughout the coming year! And then the coming year! 2) Discussion. Т: Do you like to receive greetings from your friends and relatives? Do you like to send greetings to your friends and relatives? What do you usually wish in your greetings for New Year? Can you turn to your partner with New Year greeting? III. Main part. 1. Check on homework. Pupils show there Birthday cards. T: Whose birthday card will be the best? 2. Presenting Vocabulary a) Eliciting Т: What things do you associate with the words "New Year's Day"? b) New words. T: Repeat after me these words and word-combinations. c) Matching. (HO1) Match the pairs To decorate танцювати біля ялинки To give presents новорічний вечір To sent greetings ялинка The New Year tree надсилати вітання The New Year Party дарувати подарунки To dance round the New Year tree прикрашати d) Game "Sentence Expansion Exercise". Лексична гра. Т: I provide you with a model sentence. Listen carefully to the model sentence. Try to add a single element to expand it. You have to add adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases or any other elements. Which sentence will be the longest? We celebrate the New Year. Example: P1 : "We always celebrate the New Year". P2: We always celebrate the New Year at home. P3: We always celebrate the New Year at home with my grandma, etc. 3. Reading. a) Pre-Reading Activities. T: Which holiday is the most favourite one in Ukraine? b) While-Reading Activities. T: Put the events in the order as they appear in the text. (HO2) Put the events in order After the New Year's Day pupils have their winter holidays. Besides we celebrate the Old New Year — on the 14th January. In Ukraine we celebrate New Year's Day on January 1st. To that holiday people decorate their flats with the New Year's trees. New Year's Day has been one the main holidays of the year for a long time. Different people celebrate New Year's Day at different time, have different traditions. But giving presents and sending greetings with good wishes are very popular in all countries. "Happy New Year!", "Best wishes for a happy New Year!" say or write people to each other. Children have the New Year's parties at their schools. They sing songs, recite poems, play games and dance around the New Year's tree. c) Post-Reading Activities. Т: Answer the questions. What holiday do we celebrate on the 1st of January? What do people decorate their flats with on that holiday? What do children have on the New Year's Day? What do children do at the New Year's Day? What do children have after the New Year's Day? 4) Oral Practice Game "My Good Intentions" (HO3). Гра "Мої наміри". Вчитель роздає учням картки з переліком намірів. Кожен учень уявляє собі, що приймає рішення напередодні Нового року, та робить позначки поряд з п’ятьма намірами, що відповідають його власним. В останніх рядках учень може написати свої особисті. Потім учні підходять один до одного, розповідаючи про свої наміри і розпитуючи про них інших. Мета такого спілкування — знайти того, у кого принаймні три наміри збігаються з його власними. Знайшовши свого партнера, учні сідають і уявляють собі, що рік уже минув, і вони розпитують, що саме вдалося здійснити, що ні, а що було здійснити найскладніше. Потім у бесіді вчитель з’ясовує, хто з учнів знайшов партнера, хто ні, які наміри в них виявились спільними. My Good Intentions Next year I am going to: get up earlier give up eating a lot of sweets be more in the open air be a kinder person stop teasing lay sister/brother lose weight decorate the house be tidier do morning exercises every day travel more be more punctual watch less TV read more help my parents more work harder I am also going to ... 5. Написання святкових листівок. 1) Discussion. Т: Answer the questions. Do you like to send Greeting Cards? I do. I collect them. Some of them are very beautiful. They are in English. Let's read them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Happy Birthday! Whom do you congratulate in your greeting cards? 2) Presentation. Read my cards as examples. (HO4) Happy New Year, dear Ann! I send you my best wishes of happiness and success. Love, Jane Dear Jane, Accept my best wishes for Christmas and the coming New Year! I wish you all the best for the coming year. How is your mother? Give her my best regards. Love, Kate 3) Practice. T: Let’s write a greeting card to someone from your relatives or friends. Wish them health, happiness and success. Use the examples (HO4). IV. Summing up T: Do you like to talk about the New Year’s celebrations? Do you always celebrate the New Year at home? Can you greet your friends with the New Year’s Day in English? Your homework is to write a greeting card to your friends. You get the following marks: … Good-bye! See you soon! | |
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