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День народження
Тема: День народження
Практична: навчити вживати лексику з теми уроку в мовленні; тренувати утво-
рення і вживання неправильних дієслів і Past Simple Tense; формува-
ти навички писемного мовлення; удосконалювати й розвивати нави-
чки сприймання на слух іншомовного тексту;
Освітня: формувати уявлення про структуру запитальних речень в
англійській мові;
Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та культуру спілкування школярів в
певній ситуації, розвивати уяву учнів в умовах гри; сприяти
формуванню та розвитку навичок фонематичного слуху;
Виховна: виховувати почуття ввічливості у стосунках з батьками, товаришами.
Обладнання: м’яка іграшка, тематичні малюнки, картки з завданнями, з віршами.

Ι. Introduction.
T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you today.
Ch.: Good morning! We are glad to see you too.
T: How are you?
Ch.: We are fine, We are OK,
We are nice, We are all right!
T: I’m very glad that all of you are all right.
Introduction to the topic.
We all like to celebrate our birthdays. And today at our lesson we’ll talk about
birthday. We’ll recollect some words and try to use them in our speech.
Let’s work with a poem “It's Birthday time”. Let’s start.
II. Warming up
Replace the pictures with the words you know (HO1).
It's birthday time, birthday time –
Time for games and time for toys,
Time for happy girls and boys,
Time for a cake and presents, too,
Time to laugh and say "Thank you".
Teacher. Now, let's see what we've got. Oleh, please, read the poem. Well done! Let's read the poem together.
Teacher's questions (written on the board):
— What time is good for getting presents?
— Is it good to play a lot of games if you have a birthday?
— Who thinks birthday time is good?
— Are toys good presents for children?
— Is birthday time to eat tasty cakes and other sweet things?
III. Main part.
1.Practicing the new words
Teacher. Let's revise the words connected with the topic of our lesson. I am going to throw you this soft toy and you'll give me an English equivalent of the Ukrainian word I say. (Children translate the words playing the game.)
Вітальна листівка — a greeting card, шапка на день народження — a birthday hat, клоун — a clown, день народження — birthday, запрошувати - to invite, (при)вітати - to congratulate, святкувати - to celebrate, свічка — a candle, коробка цукерок — a box of sweets, подарунок — a present/gift, торт — a cake, etc.
2. Playing a team game
Te a c h e r. I see that you know all the new words. Now we can play a team game. I am going to divide you into two teams. The members of each team must write on the board all the new words I dictate. Each correctly written word — plus one point, each mistake — minus one point. Let's start the competition...
The winners of the game are pupils of the first team. Here are some presents for you. (Children get some stickers.)
3. Revision of irregular verbs
a) Phonetic Exercises
Teacher. I am going to give you the first form of the verb and you'll tell me the second one.
Teacher — Pupil 1 — Teacher — Pupil 2 — Teacher — Pupil 3 — Teacher — Pupil 4, etc.
Get — got, do — did, have — had, say — said, give — gave, run — ran, see — saw, eat — ate, come — came, go — went, sing — sang, bring -> brought.
b) Parrot Game
Say you did the same yesterday.
Teacher. I usually get a lot of presents for my birthday.
Pupil 1. I got a lot of presents for my birthday yesterday.
Teacher. Mary sings very well.
Pupil 2. My friend sang a beautiful song at my birthday party.
Te a c h e r. We usually run around the house when we have a birthday party.
Pupil 3. We ran at Mike's birthday party too.
Teacher. I often see a lot of friends when my sister has a birthday.
Pupil 4. Yesterday I saw a lot of friends at my friend's birthday.
Teacher. My guests usually bring me a cake as a birthday present.
Pupil 5. My friends brought me a doll as a birthday present, etc.
c) Exercise "Ask me again"
Teacher. Nick gave his friend a new book as a present.
Pupil 1. Did Nick give his friend a new book?
Teacher. Nina said "thank you" to her new friend.
Pupil 2. Did Nina say "thank you" to her new friend?
Teacher. Pasha's friends came to him at four o'clock.
Pupil 3. Did Pasha's friends come to him at 4 o'clock? Etc.
d) Exercise "Don't agree"
Pupil 1 - Pupil 2 - Pupil 3 - Pupil 4
Pupil 1. She sang an English song at the party.
Pupil 2. No, she didn't sing an English song at the party. She sang a Ukrainian song.
Pupil 2. Boris gave his friend a book as a birthday present.
Pupil 3. No, he didn't. Boris didn't give his friend a book. He gave him a new CD as a present.
Pupil 3. They ate a birthday cake yesterday.
Pupil 4. No, they didn't eat a birthday cake. They ate pizza, etc.
IV. Relaxation .
Imagine that you are going to have a birthday party.
Help yourself to collect things for it.
Listen and clap your hands when a thing is necessary for your party.
A school-bag, sweets, a pen, a birthday cake, a copy-book, balloons, a bed, flowers, candles, a pencil box, presents, guests, a toy-bear, a book, a dress, a toy-doll.
Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down!
Stand up and jump!
1 2 3 hop!
1 2 3 stop!
4. Conversation
Children! Look at the task. Here’s an interview of one boy. His name is Alec. The journalist mixed questions and answers in it. You have to connect ques¬tions with the right answers.
1. How old are you?
2. When is your birthday?
3. Do you like to celebrate your birthday?
4. Do you like to get presents?
5. What do you do during your birthday party?
6. Do you like to give presents?
7. Who cooks cake for your birthday?
8. Can you make a cake?
a) Yes, I do. I like to celebrate my birthday very much.
b) No. I can't. I can't cook a cake.
c) My birthday is on the 7th of March.
d) I am 10.
e) Yes, I do. І like to get presents.
f) No, I don't. I don't like to give presents.
g) My mummy cooks a birthday cake for me. It's so tasty.
h) I dance, sing, recite poems and eat a lot of sweets during my birthday party.
5. Grammar practice. Writing.
Imagine that my pen is a microphone, look at the table and make up your sentences.
I like to make birthday
We don’t like to invite guests
You to get presents
They to celebrate birthday
He likes to give a wish
She doesn’t to dance at birthday party
I like to sing at my birthday

(Children make up sentences).
T: Excellent! The first to finish the task was team number… Here are your presents. And now you should write down the sentences into your exercise-books.
6. Listening practice
Children! I've got one interesting story for you. One American boy has a birthday party today.
Would you like to listen? Then you will listen to the state¬ments on this text and put "+" if it is true or"- " if it is not.
Mike is a boy. He is 12. His birthday is on the 12th of March. Today is Mike's birthday. Mike likes to celebrate his birthday very much. He invites his friends to his birthday party. When the guests come, Mike is very happy. The friends bring Mike flowers, books, sweets. They sing a song "Happy Birthday". It is a fine birthday.
1. Mike is a girl.
2. He is 5.
3. His birthday is on the 10th of March.
4. He invites guests, his friends to the party.
5. When the friends come, Mike is very happy.
6. The friends do not bring Mike flowers, sweets, books.
7. They sing a song "Happy Birthday"
8. It is a fine birthday.
V. Summing up
Did you like our lesson? You've done a good job learning the new words on the topic "Birthday Time" and the irregular verbs. That's why your homework is to make up questions in the Past Simple Tense to the sentences you have written down at the lesson.
You get the following marks:
Thank you for the lesson. Bye!


It’s birthday time –
Time for games and time for

Time for happy s

and s ,

Time for a
, too,

Time to laugh and say “Thank you”
Категорія: Іноземна мова | Додав: Tania (05.03.2016)
Переглядів: 1092 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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