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Подорож до США. Свята у США.
Тема: Подорож до Сполучених Штатів.
Підтема: Свята у США.
Мета: ознайомитись зі святами і традиціями їх святкування.
Цілі: практикувати вживання лексики теми; розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, читання, аудіювання; виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: підручники, словники, комп’ютер, проектор, картки для індивідуальної роботи.
I. Організаційний момент
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Sit down please. I’m glad to see you! Children, you have got colored hearts. The red heart means that you are fine. The green heart means that you are bad. So, how are you today? I’m glad that you are well. Maybe somebody is nervous. Don’t worry, dear. Let’s read a poem for relaxation.
I. Мовленнєва розминка
My mom is cooking holiday treats,
My dad is spending money,
They think they’ve hidden all the gifts,
It’s really pretty funny.
II. Введення в англомовну атмосферу
As you understand today we will talk about holidays. The holidays in the USA. But at first I want to ask you a question: what do you know about the USA?
T: There are two national symbols of America: an eagle and a flag. Match the information with the pictures. Do ex.5, p.175.
T: The main symbol is a flag. Can you describe it?
III. Перевірка домашнього завдання
T:It’s great. I’m impressed by your knowledge of this country. As you know the USA consists of 50 states. Today our class is divided into four teams. And each team is called with the name of a state: Montana, Washington, New York and Hawaii. Each team must introduce the group.
IV. Оголошення теми уроку
T: Once again we are going to speak about the USA. About its people, holidays and traditions. But at first let’s repeat the song about the USA.
Song “America the Beautiful”
T: American festivals can’t do without this song. By the way, do you like festivals?
P: Yes.
T: Americans like festivals, too. There are many holidays in the USA. For example:… Every group must choose only one holiday and then ask and answer with your opponents.
V. Говоріння
Прийом: кожна команда обирає по одному святу і задають один одному питання.
Ex.1, p.174
VI. Читання
T: Today we’ll learn about the Day of Independence. Let’s do
Ex2, p. 174
T: Let’s do ex.3, p.174 read the statements and mark them true or false. Use the colored hearts.
VII. Слухання
T: Let’s listen to a dialog about one of the most favorite holidays in the USA.
Tanya: So, Kendrick… do you have plants for Labor Day?
Kendrick: Labor Day?
Tanya: Yeah, it’s a holiday here in the U.S. We have the day off from school.
Kendrick: Really? When is it?
Tanya: It’s on the first Monday in September.
Kendrick: Sounds good. So do people do anything special?
Tanya: I’m not sure. It’s a long weekend so some people travel. My host family plans to have a barbecue.
VIII. Письмо
1. Number the sentences in order to make a conversation.
----- It’s a holiday in the United States.
----- Sounds interesting. Do people do anything special?
----- Really? When is it?
----- Do you have plans for Memorial Day?
----- Yes. They usually have barbecues.
----- Memorial Day?
----- It’s the last Monday in May.

2. Put the words in order to make statements and questions.
1. (have/ we/ day/ the/ off.)
2. (last/ in/ Friday./ the/ June/ it’s)

3. (do/ on/ do/ people/ what/ day?/ this)

4. (weekend/ a/ long/ it’s)

5. (a/ U.S./here/ it’s/ the/ holiday/ in )

IX. Підведення підсумків
Crosses and zeros with the new words
X. Домашнє завдання
Ex.6, p.175
Категорія: Іноземна мова | Додав: tania_tanichka (21.01.2016)
Переглядів: 1150 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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